Privacy policy
DaMar is dedicated to the fundamentals of protecting your privacy on the Internet.
We do not collect personal or corporate email addresses, or any personal information from visitors to our site. We do not use our site for any commercial transactions, nor do we use any electronic “cookies” to retrieve information about visitors to our site. Technical problems should be directed to our webmaster.
Social Responsibility Statement
DaMar will address difficult issues and strive to be honest about our ability or inability to solve them. We will work with our suppliers to promote higher standards. We value diversity in the workplace and intend to become a visible presence in our community. Our company strives for integrity in our products and the way we do business. We are committed to creating innovative partnerships and educating the business community about the value of superior visual communication.
We go above and beyond to make sure our customers get exactly what they need when they need it at an affordable cost, which is how we got our ISO 9001 Certification!