About Us
We are focused on building a strong culture, delivering creative solutions to help our customers meet their visions and goals, and continuous improvement.
50+ years of experience
We are plastic Injection molders in San Diego offering blow modeling and other plastic manufacturing services that are results oriented, creating customers for life. We do this by making quality products and providing effective solutions that meet our customers’ needs. It is through these unique solutions that we often eliminate or reduce customer market obstacles.
Our employees and our culture are the foundation of our company. Our core values and our Quality Policy are our operating system for our culture. This operating system focuses on continuous improvement.
quality assurance
Recently, our focus on continuous improvement led to ISO 9001:2015 certification in 2018. In 2019, DaMar Plastics implemented a new IQMS ERP system to improve the management of our systems and provide real time monitoring of our machinery. In 2020, we started adding portable flexible wall clean rooms.

a tradition of success

DaMar Plastics Founded
Founded by David and Mary (DaMar), a tradition of success began that is still part of the culture at DaMar Plastics. David and Mary Foster starting with two 20-ton injection molding machines in their garage.
DaMar Plastics Grows
David and Michele Kabbai took over the reins and grew the company adding a broader range of injection molding machines from 85 to 720 tons.
DaMar Plastics Adds Blow Molding
Blow Molding technology is brought into DaMar Plastics to expand our addressable market to include bottles for packaging.
Bill Dickinson Acquires DaMar
Bill and Beth Dickinson acquired DaMar Plastics and continued innovating the company. Initially, Blow Molding capacity was added.
DaMar Increases Production
Damar Plastics purchases 5 new injection molding machines and automation to address growing consumer product demand.